Say Hello to Eddy for Nuke

What started as a pet project five years ago, to learn more about GPU programming, turned into much more for Vortechs FX co-founders Christoph Sprenger, Andreas Söderström, Niall Ryan and Ronnie Menahem. 

Inspired by ILM’s Plume, they wanted to try doing fluid simulations, but with a twist. What they wound up creating was Eddy for Nuke, a plug-in which brings fluid simulations to VFX artists, boosts creativity and increases productivity. Eddy enables simulation of fires, explosions and other gaseous phenomena at interactive rates and ultra-high quality, primarily by harnessing the massive power of GPUs in today’s visual effects workstations

Because Eddy is written entirely on the GPU, turn-arounds are lightning-fast and artists can iterate on sims, during the compositing phaseso iterations can be done much closer to final delivery. 

VFX heavyweights such as Weta Digital, Framestore, MPC and Digital Domain are among the users of Eddy, and now you can be too, thanks to Annex Pro’s new North American partnership with VortechsFX. We offer both perpetual nodelocked or floating licenses, and Eddy has a very nice rental model as well for short-term projects. 

You can read all about the idea behind, and history of, Eddy here 

Check out the Vortechs FX website for excellent resources, training videos, case studies and more 

We’d be happy to tell you more, or provide a quote on VortechsFX Eddy for Nuke or Eddy Enginecontact Annex Pro.

Aug 6, 2020 | Cloud & IT

If you would like more information on Vortechs FX Eddy for Nuke or Eddy Engine, and are located in Canada or the United States, schedule a free consultation below

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