Learn How to Eliminate Hidden Storage Costs & Optimize Your Media Files

With the launch of Avid‘s new NEXIS | FLEX model, the cost of perpetual and/or subscription storage is becoming more expensive, so understanding the efficiency of your storage is critical. The webinar will walk you through how to install Marquis’ free  Project Parking – Storage VisionNEXIS storage analysis software, which uses advanced low-level analytics to find the hidden cost of unnecessary duplicate media files. The full version of Marquis’ Avid-certified Project Parking software will simplify your Avid shared storage operations, removing unnecessary media files and archive or park projects, potentially saving hundreds of terabytes of storage space.

Join the webinar on Wednesday 27th July 2022 to learn how to optimize your stored media files. You will also be able to download free Project Parking – Storage Vision software to analyze your Avid NEXIS system. 

Annex Pro has Canada’s largest team of Avid Certified post-production solution specialists ready to help answer any questions or provide a quick quote – from specifying the correct combination of equipment to commissioning and implementation, and post-sales technical support, you can trust Canada’s largest Avid Partner. 

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